Рецензия на «That crimson skies up to the evening…» (Иликс)

Рецензия на «That crimson skies up to the evening…» (Иликс)

If I may… First, the word «another» is used as a singular adjective; I would suggest to replace it with «some other». Second, «just it to be» is not a native English phrase and therefore carries no ready meaning to the native reader. Suggestion: rethink. Third, «thousands OF you» is proper usage. Fourth, «recognize» is proper usage. Fifth, «road through life» does not need a definite article in this case. Sixth, «what THE next turn» does need it. And finally, seventh, the word «keen» is never used to describe a road, only sense and the like. [I apologize in advance for my somewhat harsh critique.]

С хр.л.и.ув.,

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